Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Global Postioning
The network of bloggers on Soul Food's Silk Road network is very expansive and it is easy to get lost. You will find a GPS Naviagtion page at Soul Food which you should use if you are confused about where you are.
Bookmark this page and you will have your own personal global postitioning satellite.
- Where are the donkeys?
- for Frances on her Birthday
- Hippopotamus-another by Jim Cornish
- The best little donkey
- The Platypus, another from Zologic
- The Camel
- The Penguin
- Kangaroo, from Jim's archive
- The Secretary travels homeward and back
- Poems from Zoologic by Jim Cornish
Shop at Soul Food Hermitage
The Soul Food Hermitage Store is the place where travellers, who plan to travel lightly, can stop to buy some supplies. The Messenger and Tote bags are perfect
for carrying your journal, scissors, glue and pens. Buy one and you will be ready to write anywhere, be it at the local coffee shop or while waiting for an appointment.
About The Silk Road
The Soul Food Silk Road is a network of interlinking team bloggers. Team blogging at Soul Food has become an art form and the creative transformation
that has taken place on these pathways is nothing short of extraordinary. Old base camps can still be found but all pilgrims have now claimed space at Riversleigh Manor House and are using it as a base to explore the Enchanted Wood and climb the Magic Faraway Tree of Enid Blyton fame. Riversleigh provides a salon style
environment where ideas are conceived, gestated, and hatched.
Becoming A Community Member
Individuals who write and make a serious request to join the Riversleigh will be included but membership will be restricte to one hundred members. If you are still interested in submitting to join Soul Food contact heatherblakey at dailywriting dot net for more information.Hermitage Nature Store
The Lemurian Hermitage is a popular place of retreat for travellers on the Silk Road and residents of Riversleigh.
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