Chain of Command
Clearly no-one is accepting responsibility here. Boss Donkey, Boss Owl, humble Secretary who suddenly only works here and Shrek like Donkey's chattering! No wonder it is mayhem here at Donkey Headquarters. An odd apple core or feather is, frankly, the least of our worries. I have spoken to the Amazon Queen. She thinks it is all too hard and if she pretends no-one has told her of the chaos she will not have to take responsibility. Who has she been taking lessons from?
The secretary states: The chain of command is made up of links and if one quits there won't be any! I'll tidy up the office on the day the Boss gets out of town and not before!
Sounds like they've found your stash of sugar lumps and helped themselves.
Soaked in rum, too, and in the drawer for a special treat for me and the Great White Owl! No tea breaks this week with reports to be filled in and so many explanations to be made, sales pitch demanded and two meetings with cranky members of the union and last of all a decision has to be made by the whole membership about the chorus for the Gypsy camp affair. The Secretary
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