Lemurian Donkey's Incorporated
The Secretary of Donkey's Incoporated is Fran Sbrocchi. Taking care of these creatures needs has become quite a task.
The Secretary of Donkey's Incoporated is Fran Sbrocchi. Taking care of these creatures needs has become quite a task.
Absolutely precious. I love her and the portrait of Annabel
Thanks Fran. I am interested in seeing Annabelle running with those short little hind legs.
This is just delightful. The look on Annabelle's face says it all really. I hope we are going to see more illustrations from you as you document the journey. I know Heather has a wonderful time with her coloured pencils. Personally I think she should spend more time doing what I want, but you can't talk to her when she is near those pencils.
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